Monday, 20 October 2014

The Asahi can sake bar is finished, just in time.  The counter is a toilet-roll tube, covered with a bamboo coaster.  The counter top is cut from the same thin 2-ply wood from the wine gift box, cut using my sewing scissors, which will never be the same.  The sake flask is a jade bead, and the sake cups are also beads, that I have had forever.  The Asahi beer cans at the back of the counter didnt get their handles, I might add them later.  The little Japanese lucky cat is one of three I brought back from Tokyo a couple of years ago.  On the wall inside is a folded paper geisha, which was a decoration on a fancy pair of chopsticks in a nice paper wrapper, given to me by one of my Japanese home-stay students, and the paper of the chopsticks wrapper was used to wrap the sake barrels on the floor of the bar.  The lights in the ceiling are stuck through holes poked in a piece of cardboard, not very beautiful, but easy to take in and out to change batteries etc, and anyway, they cant be seen unless you turn the can upside down and try really hard!  The wires are taped on the top side, and the light-switch is just above the doorway, easy to reach to turn on and off.  I might add more lights, it isnt as bright inside as I first thought.  The lights are good for 200 hours of continuous use, so good value, dont you think?!